Why I guarantee equipment performance
You can’t afford to invest in air treatment equipment that doesn’t guarantee a solution to your facility’s problem. Odor and pollution fixes that do not solve actual problems compromise results in both industrial and municipal markets, to the point that many facilities put up with poor performance.
BioAir has achieved a 100% performance success rate after over 600 installations, and I want to preserve that track record. Our performance guarantee puts that intent in writing.
Why a performance guarantee is valuable
Air treatment isn’t the primary function of your facility. Most industrial companies don’t employ staff with experience designing air treatment systems. You probably lack the in-house expertise that you’re used to applying to other projects. This puts you and your company in a difficult situation.
- You need to know that your facility’s problem will be solved.
If you lack familiarity with the equipment you’re implementing, a performance guarantee ensures you support from a team of experts in solving your problem.
- You need to know you can trust your partner.
I want to give you something concrete to earn your trust. Something that says, “BioAir is taking ownership of your odor or emissions problem and guarantees the solution.”
- You need to know how the project will impact the rest of your facility.
Predictable performance helps you plan for the future. Guaranteeing that performance allows you to focus on how your facility can take advantage of better air treatment.
Take the risk out of air treatment projects and plan confidently for success.

Here’s what to expect
For a performance guarantee to make an impact, it must promise a meaningful result. To make sure we don’t promise a meaningless list of numbers, we design every guarantee around the performance that will solve your problem.
Your guarantee will detail:
- Your odor and emissions sources
- The equipment that will treat the problem
- How performance will be measured
- What that performance will look like by the specific numbers
A credible guarantee will provide specific performance targets and detail how performance will be verified at your facility. I don’t want to dance around a definition of success with vague language. I’ll provide specific performance numbers you can count on to solve your facility’s specific problem.
We deliver on our promises
Even with best-in-class equipment, achieving desired performance requires successful quality control, planning, installation, startup, operation and maintenance. Every industrial company has different air treatment needs, proficiencies and capabilities.
You may have an undefined odor problem. Or you may have identified an emissions problem and already designed a system to solve it. We can provide a performance guarantee for either case. If you have an odor but don’t know what it is or where it’s coming from, we can start with a site survey to diagnose the problem.
We can provide turnkey execution, equipment supply to your installation team, or any level of support in between. We provide a well-defined startup and testing plan or execute all phases of equipment commissioning if needed.
We’ll train your team on operation and maintenance to assure successful long-term performance of your equipment. I want to stand behind our equipment for its entire service life, so we also offer service agreements.